• Sule Serubugo, Denisa Skantarova, Nicolaj Evers, and Martin Kraus won a VRST 2017 Best Demo Award at the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2017). The demo is also available on Steam as a VR game…

  • Sule Serubugo, Denisa Skantarova, and Nicolaj Evers are going to present a demo of their Master’s thesis at the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2017). The demo is also available on Steam as a VR…

  • Three student groups from Medialogy Aalborg are publishing four papers at the 6th EAI International Conference: ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation (ArtsIT 2017): “Improving user experience for lost heritage sites through indirect augmented reality” by Mads Luther Nørlem, Christian L.…

  • A group of students (Nicklas H. Christensen, Oliver G. Hjermitslev, Frederik Falk, Marco B. Madsen, Frederik H. Østergaard) is publishing their 5th semester project at the Academic Mindtrek 2017 conference under the title “Depth Cues in Augmented Reality for Training…

  • Valve announced that the SteamVR tracking will be upgraded soon (https://uploadvr.com/steamvr-tracking-2/). The new tracking base stations will not work with current HMDs, controllers, nor trackers (while new HMDs, controllers, and trackers will work with both, the new and the current…

  • A paper about their VGIS7 semester project “Pixel Reprojection of 360 Degree Renderings for Small Parallax Effects” by Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Christian Nygaard Daugbjerg, Péter Rohoska, and Andrea Coifman was accepted at Salento AVR 2017. Christian Nygaard Daugbjerg will present…

  • Three papers have been accepted at VRIC 2017: two papers by Bartal Henriksen and Ronni Nedergaard Nielsen in collaboration with Bo Geng from the Health Department about their Med8 and Med9 semester projects, and one paper by Jon Byrdal Larsen,…

  • Three papers have been accepted at GRAPP 2017: A paper by Anne Juhler Hansen and Jákup Klein about their Master’s thesis, a paper by Sule Serubugo, Denisa  Škantárová and Lasse Kjærsgård Nielsen about their 8th semester project, and a paper…

  • Jacob Boesen Madsen is going to defend his PhD thesis “Aspects of User Experience in Augmented Reality” on Friday, September 23, 2016; see the announcement.

  • A paper by Diana Fonseca about her Master’s thesis has been accepted at the Academic Mindtrek  Conference 2016. The title of the paper is: “A Comparison of Head-Mounted and Hand-Held Displays for 360° Videos with Focus on Attitude and Behavior…