New HTC Vive hardware

Written by Martin Kraus on . Posted in General

Valve announced that the SteamVR tracking will be upgraded soon ( The new tracking base stations will not work with current HMDs, controllers, nor trackers (while new HMDs, controllers, and trackers will work with both, the new and the current base stations).

This means that we probably won’t buy any additional SteamVR HMDs, controllers, nor trackers until the hardware is upgraded. Hopefully, the upgraded trackers are available before the fall semester. All this shouldn’t affect the accessory for wireless communication with the HMD, which we hope to get later this year.

Update 27-06-2017: I’ve read a German online article about the accessory for wireless comunication with the HMD. Apparently, the connection requires an unobstructed line of sight all the time and can be easily interrupted by the user’s hands. The article says nothing about how large the tracking space may be. This probably means that we will buy only one of these accessories and see how that works in our labs.

Also, we ordered the binocular eye tracker for HTC Vive from Pupil Labs.

Update 28-06-2017: And we have received the eye tracker and installed in the right computer in the AVALab (avalab b).

Update 02-07-2017: I was referring to TPCAST’s wireless adapter for the HTC Vive. We might buy Intel’s WiGig adapter instead or also, in particular if HTC is selling and recommending both.

Update 14-11-2017: Due to reports about various problems with TPCAST’s wireless adapter, we will probably not buy one this year.